Home | Blog | New Nhs Garment Trolleys Provide Safe Hygienic Transport Of Uniforms Scrubs Etc
Within the NHS garment trolleys must provide safe, hygienic transport of uniforms, scrubs etc.
Both storing and delivering the laundered garments in the hospital environment must meet these requirements in a simple and convenient way. Tasked with solving the problem in one of our client hospitals, we manufactured a moulded plastic garment trolley with an internal garment rail that is perfect for the job.
Our plastic units offer a better environment than standard metal roll cages from a hygiene point of view, with a higher level of protection for the garments in transit. Additionally, they are much more user friendly, with handles for safe positioning of hands and being lighter and more easily manoeuvrable than their metal counterparts.
Click HERE to read more about our wide range of Laundry Cages and Distribution Trolleys
Providing the perfect mobile hanging goods picking unit, our NHS garment trolleys’ enclosed design provides an enhanced level of hygiene whilst remaining easy to clean. For bulk loads we can fit towing brackets to enable swift and easy transport from the hospital laundry to all departments.