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Plastic Roll Cages

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Plastic Roll cages for easy and safe materials handling & distribution

Bryants have developed a range of Plastic Roll Cages (Roll Pallets) to provide a versatile and durable alternative to metal roll cages.

Plastic roll cages manufactured by Bryant Plastics are particularly suitable for handling Laundry and Linen  (for further information visit our Laundry and Linen page)

Laundry and Linen

Hygienic and rust-free

Designed with health & safety in mind, our Roll Cage units are constructed from a snag-free, one-piece plastic moulding that offers a hygienic, easy-to-clean, rust-free cage which can be produced in a range of colours, sizes and styles.


Additionally, plastic roll cages help keep goods dry when being moved out of doors in wet weather.

Plastic Roll Cage LC517 open top for easy access Plastic Roll Cage LC519 black with coloured cover Plastic Distribution Roll Cage with shelves IDC293X LC311M Plastic Roll Cage top and front covers easy access Plastic roll cage LC518 with 2-part cover

Features include:

  • Kick plate or step to help the operative tilt the cage
  • Handles or hand-holes ergonomically located to make it easier to manoeuvre in tight areas
  • Solid or transparent covers with document pouch and optional screen printing
  • Company logo can be incorporated into the plastic body & cover

LC314 Ventilated Roll Cage with hand holes Kick plate to assist roll cage handling Your logo can appear on your roll cage body or cover Bryant Roll Cage LC503 with Transparent Cover

Additional Options

As roll cage manufacturers, we can offer a variety of options of not only colour, but also others features such as internal shelves or garment rail, towing facility and a choice of castor type to suit the user’s purpose and local environment.


We also offer a unique plastic roll cage with an internal spring-loaded platform ‘Self-Levelling’ unit which can help to reduce the possibility of back strain when loading and unloading goods.

Introducing our new Self-Levelling Plastic Roll Cage for easy loading & unloading
CLMLC503 Unique plastic roll cage with constant level platform Bryant Towable Roll Cages enable clean and efficient movement of hospital linen Bryant Mobile Wardrobe with Garment Rail and PVC Front cover IDC514 picking roll container with shelves and cover

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